
The Hall Closet Mockup Logo
Design a Logo for Find A Plug
Modern logo for Map Your Sales
The Design Center Logo
Logo for ultra-lightweight flood gear
Logo for residential heating and air conditioning equipment
Logo for a Commodity Service Company
Colorful Camel Logo for renewable energy exploration company
Tennis Academy Logo
Logo for 20th annual event


Just Graphic Designer who trying to help you..

Membro desde: 21 de janeiro de 2012


"Not the best experience, unresponsive, took 5 days sometimes to respond, didn’t follow intruction and would deliver whatever he wanted to deliver, including his own picture and contact info in our client’s brand book."
Cliente anônimo avaliado há 9 meses
"Simple and clean design! "
Foto do perfiljanwd avaliado há aproximadamente 1 ano
"Quidflux came up with a really professional looking design for my game. Can't wait to put this in place!"
Foto do perfildeepdrivebaseball avaliado há mais de 1 ano
"Great job and was able to pivot to meet needs."
Cliente anônimo avaliado há mais de 1 ano
"We were impressed by the simplicity of the design, yet the concept was well incorporated and fulfilled our needs. Other logos had more samurai tools and silhouettes, but we wanted something more abstract, so when you proposed this logo, we knew this was..."
Foto do perfilmunepi0713 avaliado há mais de 1 ano