Serviço de template para PowerPoint
Ever wondered how that guy had an awesome presentation that everyone loved ?
How did he get the slide to match his logo and the company colour scheme to blend with every diagram or chart ?
Well fortunately, he most likely got it done here.
This service offers a deck of 20 Slide : Cover Page, Content Slide, Divider Slide, Conclusion Slide and any other Specific Layouts Required.
Need more slides ? Please specify what is the overall number and we can later negotiate an additional payment plan.
For speedy delivery, it will be great for you : to describe in details what exactly are required and desired, to identify what style you are looking for, to highlight any inspirations with use of images, to upload any logos; colour scheme; branding guidelines; images ; or any other elements that will be inserted into the presentation or template.
Start here building your story, present with clarity and conviction, and move forward faster.
By clicking the [ Request Service ] button, you are one step away from joining the elite club of satisfied clients receiving their Own Custom Designed Powerpoint Deck.
O que você vai terá
After all is done and you have attained maximum satisfaction, the final package will include :
~ (.pptx) presentation format and (.potx) template format.
~ Slide Size : Widescreen (16:9) or Standard (4:3). Custom sizes can also be demanded.
~ 20 Slides Deck. (Additionally Slides can be later negotiated at a great price).
~ Slide Master, Designed for maximum flexibility.
~ Designed with your branding in mind. If you have a desired colour scheme,I will embed it into the template for consistency with charts and diagrams.
~ Any elements like : (images,icons, infographics , etc.) used will be exported with final package.
If any other additional elements is needed, don't hesitate to ask.
Envie uma mensagem a J.P para solicitar este serviço
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