Informações gerais
Nome a incorporar ao logotipo
Stlite/Stlite Sharing
Slogan a incorporar ao logotipo
Write and share Streamlit apps online serverlessly
Descrição da empresa e do público-alvo
"Stlite" is a kind of software that helps IT developers quickly prototype products, and "Stlite Sharing" is an online platform where they develop and share their applications using Stlite. The slogan is for "Stlite Sharing". So the target of "Stlite" and "Stlite Sharing" are software engineers, more specifically, Python programmers, AI engineers, and data scientists.
Its document is
Estilo visual
Cores para explorar
Outras solicitações de cor
Atributos de estilo
Inspiração de design
Outras notas
* I prefer a geometric and recognizable icon. Polygonal, Origami-ish design may hit. Simplicity and uniqueness are important.
* I want a logo that is new but also reminds the existing brand of the project, the current logo I attached above, and Streamlit's logo (
* The current logo prints the product name as "stlite" and "stlite sharing", but we will change it to "Stlite" and "Stlite Sharing" respectively in the new logos.
* For reference, I have attached the current logo, which was designed with the following in mind:
* The color scheme was inspired by the "Streamlit" logo ( ), while the overall design should be different and distinct from it.
* The shape of the icon was inspired by a satellite, since "Stlite" can sound like "satellite".
* I want both the "Stlite" and "Stlite Sharing" logos to have the same icon and the same font for the "Stlite" part as the current ones.
* I need the following materials, if it's possible to create them instead of the SNS images.
* "Stlite" logo
* "Stlite" logo data to create a sticker with a cut path
* "Stlite Sharing" logo
* "Stlite Sharing" logo for dark mode
* "Stlite" OGP (1200 x 630 px)
* "Stlite Sharing" OGP (1200 x 630 px)
* "Stlite" is a derivative project of another project "Streamlit",, so the current logo is inspired by theirs.
"Stlite" means "Streamlit-Lite". "St" is a commonly used shorthand to represent "Streamlit" in its context, and "Lite" here is a widely accepted term in the community that means a specific type of customized software like Stlite.
Arquivos do concurso
1 x Logotipo
Vencedor deste concurso
1 x Capa para Facebook
1 x Capa para Twitter
1 x Fundo para YouTube
Arquivos finais
Você deverá enviar um arquivo em PNG ou JPG. Verifique com o cliente para saber se ele tem alguma preferência.
Se você usar fontes pagas, confirme com o cliente se ele está de acordo com isso. Por razões de licenciamento, recomendamos que forneça ao seu cliente as informações sobre como adquirir a fonte utilizada, ao invés de enviar os arquivos da fonte.
Os textos nos logotipos devem ser convertidos em contornos (outline).