Informações gerais
Nome a incorporar ao logotipo
Wicked Cilantro
Slogan a incorporar ao logotipo
Descrição da empresa e do público-alvo
We are a fusion-food joint with a mouth watering twist in all our offerings. From Asian dumplings and soups, to Indian butter fried noodles and western continental dishes.
Every preparation has a unique, rare blend and touch to it. We are a start-up with big future plans catering to food lovers in Downtown Toronto, Canada - as of now.
We love to experiment and innovate, always with a goal of pleasuring the taste buds of our customers.
Estilo visual
Cores para explorar
Outras solicitações de cor
Green because of cilantro, Maybe little hints of Purple, Black, Blue or Red?
Atributos de estilo
Inspiração de design
Outras notas
We would like the customers to associate the logo with premium, innovative, and unique delicacies. Something that makes them feel - "I am going to have a great time eating the stuff these guys have to offer."
Something like the refreshing, appetizing feel of a fresh green leaf of cilantro (coriander). A logo that excites them in anticipation of an addictive taste that they will encounter once they taste our offerings and will keep them coming back for more.
We believe in absolute creative freedom, that is why we would like to empower designers with the liberty of going beyond the obvious and create magic. That is why we will push no images, sketches or anything to restrict your judgement or any cue for you to begin your imagination from.
Just feel free, think about good food and having a good time.
Just have fun, and go ahead, dazzle us. I know you will.
We wish you all the very best, and happy designing. :)
PS: Please note we are looking at this assignment as the first step towards many more to come as our parent company will be rolling out various design projects for the whole business.
Arquivos do concurso
Vencedor deste concurso
Cartão de visita
Papel timbrado
Capa para Facebook
Arquivos finais
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Os textos nos logotipos devem ser convertidos em contornos (outline).