Informações gerais
Nome a incorporar ao logotipo
Familiar Coffee
Slogan a incorporar ao logotipo
Descrição da empresa e do público-alvo
Final Round rules: First off thank you for submitting your designs and congrats on making it to the final round! I added 3 font styles that you can choose from. Please only use these new fonts. Font color should be green. In addition, all designs need to have a butterfly included in your design. Lastly, please do not use a coffee bean in design (including a coffee bean in the butterfly), I do not wish to have that part of the design.
Best of luck and I'm looking forward to seeing your final product!
decaf specialty coffee. A brand that sources high quality specialty coffee that taste like caffeinated specialty coffee but without the caffiene. Taste, quality, design is our 3 pillars for our brand.
Mascot is a butterfly.
Age: 25-45
Gender: M & F (75% male)
Interests: Specialty coffee (high quality coffee)
Behaviour: Can no longer drink caffiene so looking for decaf alternatives that taste good.
Logos I like: Little Wolf Coffee
Illustrator we are currently work with is
Comidas e bebidas
Estilo visual
Cores para explorar

Outras solicitações de cor
Tone of brand and website: clean, educational, simple to navigate, approachable (unpretentious), (user focused) → take snobbery out of it
-High level focus on humanity
Color palates: green shades, black outline, tan background, brown (for coffee), muted tone
Atributos de estilo
Inspiração de design
Outras notas
Arquivos do concurso
1 x Logotipo
Vencedor deste concurso
1 x Cartão de visita
1 x Papel timbrado
1 x Envelope
1 x Capa para Facebook
Arquivos finais
Se você usar fontes pagas, confirme com o cliente se ele está de acordo com isso. Por razões de licenciamento, recomendamos que forneça ao seu cliente as informações sobre como adquirir a fonte utilizada, ao invés de enviar os arquivos da fonte.
Os textos nos logotipos devem ser convertidos em contornos (outline).
Use this as your guide. This is the strongest logo and brand identity I would like to base our logo after.