Este concurso está concluído. Parabéns a(o) designer vencedor memindlogo
Informações gerais
Nome a incorporar ao logotipo
SPIRE Contracting
Slogan a incorporar ao logotipo
Descrição da empresa e do público-alvo
We provide engineering input and construction planning and management services including provision of skilled labour for maintenance and construction projects. Our target industry sectors are infrastructure/utilities, resources and energy.
NOTE: We do not construct residential/commercial buildings so please do not incorporate these into designs.
NOTE: Please do not make logo have actual religious reference.
Logo will be used on embroidered shirts and so must consider this in the design.
Newly established company in South Australia with focus on simple, transparent operations that deliver sustainable long term solution based services that are undertaken safely and to the highest attention to detail.
SPIRE: Specialised Projects in Infrastructure, Resources and Energy
SPIRE also derived from the fact that we were established in Adelaide which is known as the "city of churches".
Se você usar fontes pagas, confirme com o cliente se ele está de acordo com isso. Por razões de licenciamento, recomendamos que forneça ao seu cliente as informações sobre como adquirir a fonte utilizada, ao invés de enviar os arquivos da fonte.
Os textos nos logotipos devem ser convertidos em contornos (outline).