Create a clean energy company logo that stands out and help us make the world more efficient !

por nsimpsonhealth
  • 0% (0) dos designers ativos receberam comentários
  • 8% designs avaliados ou recusados
  • 5 concursos (0 reembolso)
  • Rápidos
    Após a etapa de avaliação, o cliente selecionará um design vencedor. Não há etapa de ajustes.
  • Garantido
    O cliente garantiu que liberará o pagamento do prêmio.
  • Observadores (16)
Este concurso está concluído. Parabéns ao(à) designer vencedor(a) ^ Ristian ^ !

Design vencedor

#101 por ^ Ristian ^
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#25 por NLOVEP-7472
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Design Create a clean energy company logo that stands out and help us make the world more efficient ! por NLOVEP-7472
#24 por NLOVEP-7472
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Design Create a clean energy company logo that stands out and help us make the world more efficient ! por NLOVEP-7472
#23 por NLOVEP-7472
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Design Create a clean energy company logo that stands out and help us make the world more efficient ! por NLOVEP-7472
#21 por Kazinho
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Design Create a clean energy company logo that stands out and help us make the world more efficient ! por Kazinho
#20 por Gagegoo
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Design Create a clean energy company logo that stands out and help us make the world more efficient ! por Gagegoo
#19 por Gagegoo
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Design Create a clean energy company logo that stands out and help us make the world more efficient ! por Gagegoo
#18 por AltCtrl
Excluído pela 99designs
Removido pelo(a) designer
Design Create a clean energy company logo that stands out and help us make the world more efficient ! por AltCtrl
#17 por Kazinho
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Design Create a clean energy company logo that stands out and help us make the world more efficient ! por Kazinho
#16 por Ala Shoukha
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Design Create a clean energy company logo that stands out and help us make the world more efficient ! por Ala Shoukha
#15 por Ala Shoukha
Excluído pela 99designs
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Design Create a clean energy company logo that stands out and help us make the world more efficient ! por Ala Shoukha
#14 por AltCtrl
Excluído pela 99designs
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Design Create a clean energy company logo that stands out and help us make the world more efficient ! por AltCtrl
#13 por AltCtrl
Excluído pela 99designs
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Design Create a clean energy company logo that stands out and help us make the world more efficient ! por AltCtrl
#12 por AltCtrl
Excluído pela 99designs
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Design Create a clean energy company logo that stands out and help us make the world more efficient ! por AltCtrl
#11 por Rainier & Isaline
Excluído pela 99designs
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Design Create a clean energy company logo that stands out and help us make the world more efficient ! por Rainier & Isaline
#10 por Rainier & Isaline
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Design Create a clean energy company logo that stands out and help us make the world more efficient ! por Rainier & Isaline
#8 por DesignFramez
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Design Create a clean energy company logo that stands out and help us make the world more efficient ! por DesignFramez
#6 por MaryAnnColors
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Design Create a clean energy company logo that stands out and help us make the world more efficient ! por MaryAnnColors
#5 por MaryAnnColors
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Design Create a clean energy company logo that stands out and help us make the world more efficient ! por MaryAnnColors
#4 por dimbro
Excluído pela 99designs
Removido pelo(a) designer
Design Create a clean energy company logo that stands out and help us make the world more efficient ! por dimbro
#3 por dimbro
Excluído pela 99designs
Removido pelo(a) designer
Design Create a clean energy company logo that stands out and help us make the world more efficient ! por dimbro
#2 por YENGZ18 ◕‿◕
Excluído pela 99designs
Removido pelo(a) designer
Design Create a clean energy company logo that stands out and help us make the world more efficient ! por YENGZ18 ◕‿◕