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Informações gerais
Nome a incorporar ao logotipo
Grace Life Church
Slogan a incorporar ao logotipo
Descrição da empresa e do público-alvo
We are a multi-generational church that is focusing on young families.
We want to be a modern church that embraces technology and innovation.
Our atmosphere is welcoming and casual as opposed to formal and restrictive.
The Mission of Grace Life Church: Helping all people become passionately devoted disciples of Jesus Christ.
Top 5 Values:
Genuine Love - we strive to show real love to everyone around us.
Relational Authenticity - we are a community that does life together.
Active Evangelism - we are active in sharing our faith.
Compassionate Service - we have a heart for the local community.
Engaging Worship - we are lively in our worship music.
Our Strategy to accomplish our Mission:
Worship God, Serve all people, and Connect with each other
We are located in Florida in a growing community that is neither urban nor rural.
Our specific church property presents a 13 acre campus consisting of several buildings as opposed to one main building.
Grace Life Church is a nondenominational church family of believers, dedicated to teaching the bible, and reaching out to the lost and broken.
We value everyone that walks through the door; our attendees are a fairly good representation of the ethnic and age diversity of central Brevard county.
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