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Informações gerais
Nome a incorporar ao logotipo
Restorative Pathways
Slogan a incorporar ao logotipo
Reentry Workplace Readiness
Descrição da empresa e do público-alvo
➤ City Startup Labs is closing the socio-economic mobility gap through leading-edge skills training, hands-on instruction, support and mentorship, career building and community engagement for a new class of formerly incarcerated entrepreneurs, value-added employees and Black tech founders.
City Startup Labs' mission is to consistently deliver leading-edge entrepreneurial education and skills training to underserved, underrepresented, and marginalized populations resulting in new economic activity. We sit at the nexus of entrepreneurship, racial equity, reentry, economic mobility and technology.
➤ What we do: provide entrepreneurial education and/or workforce development & preparedness plus social/emotional capital for formerly incarcerated persons
➤ Our personality: Get it done!
➤ Formerly incarcerated persons
➤ Philanthropists
➤ Community stakeholders
➤ How do we want our audience to describe our brand? Respect, Integrity, in service of the “least of these”, Productive and Effective
- We would prefer an Abstract, Emblem, or Combination-type logo
➤ Steps or pathway to personal restoration (not necessarily explicit)
➤ A fair chance to prove myself
➤ New possibilities
➤ seal, emblem (suitable for embossing and certificates), badge
➤ Modern
➤ Bold & flowing
➤ sans serif type [Dreamscape, Montserrat, Gaming Sporty Reg, dearJoe 7, Pelatine
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Os textos nos logotipos devem ser convertidos em contornos (outline).