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Informações gerais
Nome a incorporar ao logotipo
GloBall or Glo Ball
Slogan a incorporar ao logotipo
Descrição da empresa e do público-alvo
Duncan Toys sells activity toys to kids 6-14 years old. This particular product is geared for kids 5-11. Directed to both boys and girls, but maybe slightly more boys.
This is a new kid's game based on using a 2.5" bouncy ball with LED lights in conjunction with colored wristbands. Based on the light sequence of the ball, it relates to the colored wristbands that the kids will wear. Many balls on the market, but none that correlate a game play with wristbands. Each of three different colored balls equate to game play of traditional schoolyard games, such as "red light, green light", "tag", "four-square", "hopscotch" and more. Looking for a name for the entire series, along with a logo. Will be sold in toy aisle at major retailers. Attached find packaging mock-ups for reference.
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